A Special Banquet and Golden Sparkles

With very little adult assistance, the girls in a local group organized a special banquet for their dads and grandfathers.  Three of the eldest young-ladies (Kaira and two of her friends) each headed a group of younger girls to plan a particular aspect of the evening.  By all accounts it was a great success and a grand time was had by all! (I stayed home baking cookies with the boys and my mom;  we had fun too, but were decked in flour instead of fancy outfits.)

Below is a photo of the handsome gents and the young ladies on their way to this special evening.  And bonus pictures of Kiffanie, because she was especially delighted with glitzy, golden, ensemble.

And I’m at least three birthday’s behind in blog-chronicling special events… bad, bad mommy-blogger am I!

2 thoughts on “A Special Banquet and Golden Sparkles

  1. I met Zephanie later to become Kiffanie in The Congo in 2011. She was the first child I had ever seen given away. Her father died, her mother had a complete breakdown and was incapable of caring for her. The witch doctor could not help the mother. It was our pleasure to have her to care for until she was adopted. She is so very beautiful.

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