
Keianna’s a bouncy, sunshiny girl, full of fun and intensity with a “can do” attitude.

Active and artistic, she can be found on her bike, reading a book, drawing, or playing cello.   Her joy and enthusiasm are infectious, and she’s already an amazing help in the kitchen.

Each of the three oldest girls remind me of a particular season.  Keianna is summer.  I visualize her twirling and running beneath pale blue sky.  In my imagination the bright sun teases freckles across her nose, and reflects the sparkles of her blue eyes.

We call ‘Anna our “little big girl,” because although she’s the most petite of our daughters in build, she’s a spunky Keiannasaurus in spirit.


We pronounce her name “Key-Ahh-nuh”   The name is a combination of the Japanese word “Kei” meaning reverent, and “Anna/Anne” meaning grace, hence combined it means “reverant grace”.